A Path to Compliance for SB 553:
Workplace Violence Prevention Symposium
June 26, 2024
Pepperdine University
West Los Angeles Graduate Campus
This one-day symposium brings together the legal expertise of Ogletree Deakins with the threat assessment and violence prevention experience of the WVPA. Presenters will provide advice and guidance to bring your business into compliance with California SB 553.
$249 per attendee • Group rates available
Price Includes: Conference attendance • Hard and digital copy of WVPA Book • Access to conference recordings • 20% Discount on first year WVPA membership
Symposium Schedule
8:00 – 9:00 | Registration
Coffee and a light breakfast provided
9:00 – 9:15 | Introductory Remarks
Dr. Brian Van Brunt, WVPA President
9:15 – 10:30 | Keynote: Advancing Your SB 553 Obligations
Building a safer California workplace benefits everyone. By working together and embracing the spirit of SB 553, we can create a future where employees feel secure, safe, and valued. Our guests from Ogletree Deakins will focus on not only compliance but also how SB 553 provides an opportunity for California employers to be leaders in this important area of workplace violence prevention.
10:30 – 10:45 | Break
10:45 – 12:00 | Case Study Panel Discussion
Join our expert panel as they review a case study of workplace violence with overtones of domestic violence threats. Learn how to conceptualize the different facets of the case including customer impact, store security response, initial documentation, threat mitigation planning, supporting the employee, reviewing/updating policy, and filing a violent incident report.
12:00 – 1:15 | Lunch
There are several lunch options near the campus.
1:15 – 2:00 | Compliance Checklist & Educational Programs
This session will provide a review of a compliance checklist with a specific focus on commonly overlooked elements such as employee involvement, after-incident review, setting the bar for initial reports, and ensuring accessibility of reporting elements and language. Our presenters will discuss educational programming for employees to support a workplace violence prevention plan, including situational awareness, an all-hazard approach to emergency response, bystander empowerment, and wellness/burnout prevention. They will also review supervisor-oriented programming including conflict resolution, crisis communication, and critical incident response.
2:00 – 2:45 | The First 24 Hours
Ogletree Deakins will offer a primer for stakeholders on post-incident response, Cal/OSHA investigations, and how to implement strategies before being in a reactive or action-oriented situation.
3:15 – 4:30 | Threat Assessment in the Workplace
This interactive discussion of common workplace threats across Type I-IV violence types will review transient versus substantive threats, criminal threatening as defined by California law, affective and targeted/predatory violence, hunting vs. howling, and three key considerations related to social media and written threats. The presenters will offer practical advice on how to address various threats and the intersection of free speech and political speech in the workplace.